BioFresh project

Member of the

Freshwater Information Platform
metadatabase language

FIP Freshwater metadata full text search

The FIP Freshwater Metadatabase full text search now offers the possibility to not only query the Freshwater Metadatabase but also connected data sources. If you want to add these data sources to your query, just tick the appropriate checkbox below. As outcome of the query, you will get one result table per data source, each of them with different data fields like contact person(s) or author(s) and links to the original source (if available).

  • Search for one or more words: separation of search terms with blank character; example: fish ephemeroptera
  • Search for all words: separation of search terms with blank character and a "+" placed in front of the second term; example: fish +ephemeroptera
  • Search for phrases: text should be put in quotation marks; example: "airlift sampling"
  • The search is not case-sensitive.

Another possibility to search within the metadatabase is the query tool with multiple options to choose.

data sources:
FIPqueries the FIP Freshwater Metadatabase (details can be found here)
AQUACROSSqueries the AQUACROSS Information Platform that provides access to a wide range of metadata and resources related to aquatic (freshwater, marine and coastal) ecosystem and biodiversity management at the European level (details to the project and the Information Platform)
MEASURESqueries the Interreg MEASURES Information System that provides access to metadata and resources related migratory fish, their habitats and the Danube River Basin (details to the project and the Information System)
Danube:Futurequeries the Danube:Future Knowledge Base that provides access to metadata and links to publications related with the Danube River Basin (details can be found here)