BioFresh project

Member of the

Freshwater Information Platform
metadatabase language

Query tool - options

Select your specifications using the check boxes before starting the search, e.g. the ecosystem type, the region, the organism group or the timeframe. If you click "apply query options" after you have made your choice, you will get a table with appropriate results. This table not only lists the available datasets, but also shows the scientific contact persons and offers details to each dataset by clicking on “open view”. Data can be downloaded as pdf- or eml-file.

Note: Numbers displayed in brackets correspond to the available number of datasets for the selected criterion. Please be aware that only those datasets will be counted which do have an entry for the selected criterion.

Another possibility to search within the metadatabase is the full text search.

ecosystem type:    (131)   (112)   (56)   (17)   (69)   (3)  

Please select an ecosystem type.


continentcountriesworld climatic regionsfeowIllies

organism group


ecosystem type classification

altitude typology (rivers, lakes, groundwater)catchment area (rivers, groundwater)surface area (lakes)mean depth (lakes)geology (rivers, lakes, groundwater)wetland type (wetlands)wetland size (wetlands)

climate and environmental data

climate related dataenvironmental dataphysico-chemistry datastressors influencing the site
---- parameters per catchment ----
---- parameters per site ----
Querytime: 15.46055 sec